Monday, August 21, 2006


K... so I was doing my devotions the other night and I came across this amazing truth. "As long as we rely on our own resources, we will never place our trust in God." This has been on my mind ever since. I want to control certain areas of my life because I'm afraid to trust the Lord and I'm afraid that it won't turn out the way I want it to. However, because of my lack of trust and because I'm taking it on myself, those areas are where I'm struggling the most. So lately I have been giving those certain areas over to the Lord and He has been blessing me abundantly. Instead of just being blessed with not having to worry about that area anymore, He is also blessing me with exactly what I've wanted for a while. He has made what I wanted come true but it's so much more fulfilling because I know it's of Him and not of my own selfish desires or wants. How great is our God!!

"Those who realize their inherent spiritual poverty apart from God will trust in Him, and He will enrich their lives immeasurably. Do not allow your resources, wisdom, talent, or abilities to prevent you from trusting the Person who can bring you abundant life." ~R. Blackaby


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