Thursday, December 15, 2005

For My Sisters in Christ:

"Many of us are guilty of looking to other people to meet the needs that are in our lives - espcially the men in our lives. We are often then dissapointed when they can't meet those needs. Finally, in the end, it is all a senseless and exhausting process in which both parties lose. It is not the fault of the sons of Adam; they cannot give us the blessing we seek, and we have frightened them by giving them so much power over our souls. We must learn that the blessings we truly need come from God." ~Stormie Omartian (The Power of a Praying Woman)

Agree or disagree? Leave a comment :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


God revealed this to me yesterday and I want to share it with you. (This is especially for my youth group and bible study goers :)

"God wants you to long for His presence. He wants you to find fulfillment in Him and nothing else. He wants you to walk closely with Him. He wants you to increase in faith and knowledge of His Word. He wants you to put all your hopes and dreams in His hands and look to Him to meet all your needs. When you do, He will open the storehouse of blessings upon your life. That's because these things are His will for you!" ~Stormie Omartian

When we put too many expectations on things or people, we are bound to be let down because no one is perfect. Only God is perfect, so we need to learn to put our expectations in Him and Him alone!

Friday, December 09, 2005

Sussex SA Youth Group

So.. as most of you know, I'm the new youth pastor at the Salvation Army church. Things are going really well and I just wanted to show you some of the pictures that I took lately. Some are funny, and some are just really good looking pictures... yeah none which are of myself... hehe! This top one is myself and Amy Parlee. She is one of my older youth. We both put wrapping paper on these boxes and participated in the parade dressed up as gifts. It was great! We got some pretty positive remarks... which kinda surprised me... seeing we were dressed as huge It was a lot of fun.

This next one (left) is Natalie Parlee...Army's sister. She rocks my socks off. She works at Tim Horton's. That alone is cool! lol She helped us decorate our truck for the parade as well. It was a fun day!

Then, in this next picture (on the right)... one of my youth leaders, Joannie Cunningham got asked to the Bethany Bible College Christmas Banquet... so we did her up in a nice dress, shoes, hair and makeup and sent her on her way. It was really cute... she's a cutie.. that one! Boys watch out, she's on the loose... lol wait a sec.. she's Joannie... you'll be lucky to hear her when she comes she's so quiet and shy... but that's why we love her... she's adorable!

This last one (on the left) is another one of my youth. Her name is Lauralyn O'blenis. She likes to be called Lauralyn, but no one calls her that except for So yeah... that's Lauralyn. What another cutie :)

So that's it for me for now. God is a pretty amazing God and He's doing some great stuff here at the church. I am just blessed to be a part of it. Until later, Blessings to all!

Daner ;)