Saturday, August 26, 2006


Ok.... I am so bored right now. You know you're bored when you see a spider in your window and you have the urge to take it's picture!! I have been sitting here for the last hour trying to think of someone I could call to see if they would want to go for a walk and I can't think of anyone because they're all either working, not anwsering their phone, or they're gone away... it's Sussex. Urrggg.

Favorite quote of the day: "For every minute you are angry, you loose 60 seconds of happiness."

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Week At Music Camp

From July 29 to August 5 I took part in a Music Camp at the Salvation Army Scotian Glen Camp in New Glasgow, NS. It was an amazing week and I loved every minute of it!! I just wanted to share some pictures with you and if you were there with me, I hope you like the pictures. Thanks for blessing me and making me laugh! I miss everyone tremendously!!

First, here's my guitar class...

We had so much fun that week... and by the end of the week everyone's fingers were guite sore but hey... it was worth it, right guys?? Cody was helping me lead the class at first and then he got a class of his own... I was just so thankful he was there! We definitely helped each other that week!! We are also missing two other people in this picture... Daisy and Ian... we didn't forget you!

OK... so this is a girl that makes me smile so big that I can't contain myself!! She makes me all giddy inside and she's so adoreable. We're going to Nationals next year for sure!! ROAD TRIP!! So... Carly, start saving sister!! ;)

And here's Jackie and also Daisy and BethAnn... they were also people who made my week at Music camp so much fun!! Oh my word ladies the memories!! LOL

The programs were so awesome and the kids/teens did so amazing in all of their solos and skits and performances. We were all so proud of them. The camp itself was beautiful and the teens definitely made it even better. I can't wait for next year now! I am so there! From cabin devotions with my girls, playing volleyball in the rain, crazy games, great conversations, amazing jam sessions, and building relationships to the late night camp fires with faculty and friends and making those special memories that I will cherish forever - how could I not go back next year?? There are so many amazing people that I met at camp who's picture I didn't get but know that you ALL are awesome and I miss you ALL so much! It was great to revisit you that day... we'll all see each other again soon. Wait for it!!

I have another picture that I JUST received and this person, let me tell you, is so amazing... and she can make any person smile with her warm personality and huge, amazing hugs!!! Amander, I MISS YOU... but we will hang out again really soon... and remember, mums the word for now lol ;) You're so cute in this picture!!

Here's one more picture... thanks guys... I miss you all very much!! Have a great year!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Crystal Palace Roller Coaster

So Jen and I went to Crystal Palace and we have funny videos that she did up... have fun :)

Monday, August 21, 2006


K... so I was doing my devotions the other night and I came across this amazing truth. "As long as we rely on our own resources, we will never place our trust in God." This has been on my mind ever since. I want to control certain areas of my life because I'm afraid to trust the Lord and I'm afraid that it won't turn out the way I want it to. However, because of my lack of trust and because I'm taking it on myself, those areas are where I'm struggling the most. So lately I have been giving those certain areas over to the Lord and He has been blessing me abundantly. Instead of just being blessed with not having to worry about that area anymore, He is also blessing me with exactly what I've wanted for a while. He has made what I wanted come true but it's so much more fulfilling because I know it's of Him and not of my own selfish desires or wants. How great is our God!!

"Those who realize their inherent spiritual poverty apart from God will trust in Him, and He will enrich their lives immeasurably. Do not allow your resources, wisdom, talent, or abilities to prevent you from trusting the Person who can bring you abundant life." ~R. Blackaby

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


This past week I was at Scotian Glen camp again. This time it was music camp. What an amazing week. The Holy Spirit really worked in me to refresh my thinking, my goals, and my heart for the Lord. I have been in a dry spot for sometime now and I didn't even realize it. Praise the Lord that He opened my eyes to allow me to see Him in a bright and real new way. Specific people at camp really made an amazing impact on me and I know the Lord will bless their obedience in being a shining light for Him. I KNOW God uses people to allow Himself to be heard by others but this week was so much like that I was completely overwhelmed. Everyone I talked to encouraged me and made me feel so loved and it just blessed my heart. I encourage you to keep spreading the love of Christ to people... even if it's just a hug or a smile. God WILL use it in His own way. He always uses His Children for His work... sometimes we just don't know it. Be a shining light for Him.