Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A New Year

2006... wow! Where has the time went?? So, basically life's good. The family's great... job's great, and I'm getting caught up with all my friends all around the world. There are a few friends that I have met over the years that mean so much to me and they are seriously all over the place. Wisconsin, South Dekota, Indiana, Ontario, and Alaska... how amazing is that! It's such a huge world, but yet I don't feel that far away from them. Sending letters is the best... and getting them are even So yeah...

Friends are great... If you have someone that you haven't talked to in a while, call them up or drop by and see them because they are special... don't let that closeness and relationship just drift... it's so easy to let it go by, but friends are awesome! Everyone needs a friend! :)